Shae McCrystal
Shae McCrystal is Professor of Labour Law in the University of Sydney Law School where she teaches labour law and property law.
Shae’s research focuses primarily on the regulation of collective bargaining and strike action for employees and independent contractors and she has published extensively in these areas including The Right to Strike in Australia (The Federation Press, 2010), Beyond Employment: The Legal Regulation of Work Relationships (The Federation Press, 2012 with Richard Johnstone, Michael Quinlan, Igor Nossar, Michael Rawling and Joellen Riley) and Challenging the Legal Boundaries of Work Regulation (Hart, 2012, edited with Judy Fudge and Kamala Sankaran). She is also a co-author of Creighton and Stewart’s Labour Law, 6th edition (The Federation Press, 2016 with Andrew Stewart, Anthony Forsyth, Mark Irving and Richard Johnstone).
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