Yuri Rubin
Yuri Rubin was born on May 17th, 1956 in Kemerovo. In 1978 he graduated with honours from the Faculty of Economics of Rostov State University (Southern Federal University). In 1982 he defended his dissertation of Ph.D. and in 1991 doctoral dissertation on «Specific character of monopolism in Soviet economy», which was the first systematic research on the issues presenting a great importance in the development of modern Russian economy. In 1993 Yuri Rubin was awarded the title of Professor by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
Rubin is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education (2008), Russian Federation Government prize winner in Education (2008), Honoured worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation (2006), fellow of the International Academy of Science of Higher School (1992), Doctor of Economics, Professor, board member of EFQUEL (European Foundation for Quality in E-learning) (2010).
Public activity: A chairman of the Public Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Rector of Moscow University of Industry and Finance, Deputy Chairman of the RF State’s Duma Expert Council for Education Quality and Career Development, a member of Accreditation Council of the Federal Service on Supervision in Higher Education and Science, Council of Experts at the RF Federal Antimonopoly Service for development of competition in science and education and member of Advisory Committee of Online Educa Berlin International Conference; a chairman of the Sub-committee № 6 for providing e-learning quality of the Technical committee № 461 for information and communication technologies in education which represents Russia in International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (Sub-committee № 36 for information technologies in instruction, education and training).