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Argentina: Government pushes towards new Antitrust Law

 |  November 20, 2017

The government of Argentina took a major step towards modifying its Defense of Competition Law by obtaining a majority opinion from the joint Commissions in the Chamber of Deputies.

However, the government must still fight to get it approved by the entire chamber, as they do not have the support of major opposition parties Frente Renovador, Frente para la Victoria-PJ and the smaller leftist parties.

The proposal (arising from the unified projects of deputies Mario Negri, of the Radical Civic Union party, and Elisa Carrió of the Civic Coalition party) seeks to punish collusion and give “positive signals” against inflation. Since taking office, the Government of Mauricio Macri has held this issue as one of the pillars of the National production plan, and not only revived its enforcement agency, the CNDC, but has also pushed hard before legislators to modify the current norms.

Full Content: iProfesional

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