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Argentina: 29 called to declare in Odebrecht case

 |  June 26, 2017

An Argentine prosecutor has asked 29 former officials and businessmen to testify, in a case that seeks to determine whether there were overcharges and bribes in the award of construction contracts for two water treatment plants within the framework of concessions granted to the Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht.

The request to testify went out to, among others, the former president of state-owned Argentine Water and Sanitation (AYSA), Carlos Ben, and the former president of the Argentine Chamber of Construction, Carlos Wagner.

The order, which prosecutor Federico Delgado sent to judge Sebastián Casanello, was based on the alleged crime of fraud committed against the administration.

Argentine prosecutors are looking into the alleged involvement of the Brazilian construction company in irregularities and payment of inflated prices in return for the award of to obtain public works contracts during the Government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2007-2015). There is also an open case against the current head of the Federal Intelligence Agency, Gustavo Arribas, for allegedly receiving bribes in 2013.

Full Content: El Universal

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