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Chile: FNE clears purchase of AquaChile by rival Agrosuper

 |  December 17, 2018

Chile’sNational Economic Prosecutor’s Office (FNE) announced on Wednesday that, on December 7, it had approved the sale of all shares in AquaChile to major rival Agrosuper.

During its investigation, the FNE analyzed various plausible relevant market hypotheses, concluding that the operation is not capable of substantially reducing competition, since it does not exceed the concentration thresholds established in the Guide for the Analysis of Horizontal Concentration Operations for Wholesale markets.

The operation was ultimately cleared without restrictions by the Chilean and United States authorities, which allows Agrosuper to make a Public Offer (OPA) for 100% of the shares of AquaChile and consolidate as the second largest producer of salmon in the world, just behind the Norwegian company Marine Harvest.

Full Content: Bio Bio Chile

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