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Chile: FNE approves joint venture between DP World and CMA-CGM

 |  July 9, 2019
Chile’s National Economic Prosecutor’s Office approved the creation of a Joint Venture between Puertos & Logística (P & L), a subsidiary of DP World, and CMA CGM, (SPV), whose objective is the development of a container terminal located in the Valparaíso region, in the nearby port of San Antonio.

The FNE analyzed the vertical risk of blocking clients related to the possible impact on the competitive potential of rival SPV terminals, and whether the relationship between said deposit with Puerto Central (PCE), could provide advantages that might end up excluding competitors from the sector.

After the analysis, the FNE determined that in regard to the relationship between SPV and CMA CGM, the latter “would not have the ability to substantially affect competition in container depots” and concluded “that the potential market share of SPV in the various activities of the container depot segment would not be enough for PCE to successfully carry out strategies aimed at affecting the competitive potential of other container depots, so it is possible to discard that risk “, thereby approving the operation.

Full Content: Mundo Marítimo

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