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Chile: FNE investigates LatAm Frequent Flyer programs

 |  May 7, 2019
Chile’s National Economic Prosecutor’s Office (FNE) has opened an investigation against Latam Airlines, in relation to the differences in the conditions offered on their frequent flyer programs. Differences in the conditions required by the reward programs “Could be observed that in Chile it would be more difficult to meet the goals to qualify for the different categories of the frequent flyer program …” said the FNE in its notice.

The investigation arose from a complaint that came to the agency, via the Ministry of Economy, on the legality of the allegedly discriminatory rules that Latam Airlines applies to its customers, differentiating by country, and asking for higher requirements in Chile before benefits are obtained. “That is, to access the same category that supposedly offers the same rights in the same company, different criteria are applied in Brazil, in the United States and in Chile,” said the FNE.

Due to the above, the antitrust agency came to its resolution to “… instruct an investigation regarding possible anticompetitive conduct in relation to the frequent flyer program LATAM Pass”.
Full Content: Economía y Negocios

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