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Colombia: SIC sets cautionary measures for Flash Mobile for customer poaching

 |  November 5, 2018

Colombia’s Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) has set cautionary measures against Flash Mobile for incurring in acts of customer poaching by promising free plans to new customers that, in the agency’s view, do not correspond to reality.

The telecommunications operator must withdraw the advertisments that promised free mobile plans to users after facing a complaint filed by rival company Comcel, part of the Claro group.

After analyzing the advertising guidelines and collecting the necessary material, the SIC was able to determine that the Ve por 5 plan could be seen as an act of customer poaching. In a statement to the public, the agency clarified that “Flash Colombia Logistics SA has presented the consumer audience with offers that do not correspond to reality, thus ignoring the behaviors that honest entrepreneurs must follow.”

Full Content: Asuntos Legales

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