A PYMNTS Company

Mexico: Despite probe, companies win Electricity Commission contract

 |  July 1, 2019
Two companies have been assigned a contract awarded through tender to provide low voltage energy consumption meters, despite both being under investigation by the Mexican competition authority, the Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE).

The Federal Electricity Commission, which awarded the contracts, stressed that for the first time the contract was split between four competitors: Protecsa, Electrometer, IUSA and Conymed. Both Conymed and IUSA are subject to investigations for alleged monopolistic practices committed in the same market for the sale of electricity meters. However, authorities at the CFE highlighted that the bidding had generated savings of $600 million pesos.

CFE director Miguel Ángel López explained that the final amount of the contracts will be for $1,349,388,670 pesos (approximately US$72 million), with the mentioned companies covering approximately 87% of the total.

Full Content: Milenio

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