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Mexico: Radio infrastructure fares up for public consultation

 |  September 18, 2017

Mexico’s Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT) submitted for public consultation the ” Cost Model to determine the rates of infrastructure sharing services provided by the Predominant Economic Agent in the broadcasting sector.” The system will be open until October 6th.

The Infrastructure Cost Model will determine the rates applicable to shared location and Signal Emission Services, based on an average long-term incremental cost methodology in accordance with the provisions of the country’s Broadcasting regulation.

At the same meeting, the IFT Plenary resolved to grant a concession for communitary use of the frequency bands of the broadcast spectrum for the provision of the public service of sound broadcasting in FM in Chalco, State of Mexico. The new concession-holder, the IFT explained, is “Comunicaciones en Contacto, Cultura y Bienestar Social” which, given the nature of its concession, must comply with the principles and objectives of community broadcasting.

Full Content: AM Querétaro

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