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Peru: INDECOPI opens 13 procedures for breaches of competition law

 |  February 5, 2019

Peruvian agency for market regulation and consumer protection INDECOPI has revealed that it is currently handling 13 important cases related to free competition, pricing collusion, and abuse of dominance.

“We are developing a series of investigations and this has resulted in 13 very large cases of free competition linked to sectors such as construction, fuels, health, among others,” said the head of INDECOPI, Sergio Ivo Gagliuffi.

Likewise, he said, 40 preliminary investigations are being undertaken. “These are cases that are being analyzed to see if there will eventually be a sanctioning procedure or not.” Likewise, Gagliuffi spoke about the benefits that the strengthening of the early termination mechanism has brought, introduced in 2018, when there were some 20,000 settlements of consumer complaints.

Full Content: Gestion

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