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Peru: Congress passes new Mergers and Acquisitions law

 |  May 7, 2019
The Congress of the Republic of Peru approved on Thursday in the first vote the opinion that proposes to regulate the operations of economic concentration in Peru; that is to say, the first law for the control of mergers and acquisitions in the country.

The initiative that was approved groups toether 13 legislative proposals, from almost all congressional benches. The entity in charge of reviewing mergers and acquisitions will be Indecopi. The institution will have a term of 12 months to adapt to the standard and begin supervision of concentration operations in the market.

“With this we can promote the growth of medium-sized companies, this work has been two and a half years in the making, where all have participated , including [the bench] New Peru,” said the president of the Economic Commission of the Congress, Mercedes Aráoz.
Full Content: El Comercio

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