A PYMNTS Company

Spain: CNMC acts against road network conservation cartel

 |  July 29, 2019
Spanish competition authority CNMC has launched proceedings against 13 companies accused of anti-competitive practices in the conservation and operation services of the State Highway Network, including fixing contract allocation processes.

The CNMC has initiated a disciplinary proceeding against the following companies: Acciona Mantenimiento de Infraestructuras and its parent Acciona; Aceinsa Movilidad; Alvac; Api Movilidad and its parent Actividades de Construcción y Servicios (ACS); Asfaltos y Construcciones Elsan and its parent Obrascón Huarte Laín (OHL); Audeca and its parent Elecnor; Elsamex; Ferroser Infraestructuras and its parent Ferrovial; Innovia Coptaliaand its parent Copcisa Corp; Mantenimiento de Infraestructuras and its parent Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC); SA de Obras y Servicios Copasa; Señalizaciones Villar; Sacyr Conservación and its parent Sacyr.

The CNMC inspected the headquarters of Elsamex, Ferrovial Servicios and its subsidiary Ferroser Infraestructuras, Aceinsa Movilidad and Audeca, from December 17 to 20, 2018, gathering information that allowed the alleged behaviors to be detected.
Full Content: CNMC

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