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Spain: CNMC sets 5G broadcast spectrum

 |  July 17, 2017

The arrival of 5G in Spain will occur sometime before 2020. In order to facilitate its arrival, the National Market Regulator (CNMC) has announced the bandwidth in which this technology will operate, as well as the process through which current Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) will have be shifted in order to free up the required space in the spectrum.

In an effort to coordinate the reordering of the radio spectrum with the rest of the European Union, Spain will have to comply with the European Commission, the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Among the most relevant changes is the release of the 700 MHz band, which covers frequencies between 694 and 790 MHz. This band is currently occupied by DTT. This band would also offer the greatest reach to mobile telephony services, improving the coverage for areas surrounded by walls or inside buildings, as well as in vast open spaces.

Along with this report, the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda has launched a public consultation that will close on July 31 with the purpose of elaborating a National Plan for 5G, where stakeholders have been asked regarding issues related to services and future applications.

Full Content: ADSL Zone

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