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Spain: CNMC rejects ‘ban’ new platforms such as Uber, Airbnb

 |  May 21, 2018

In response to requests by several unions to ban digital platform companies, such as Uber and Airbnb, alleging that they do not pay the corresponding taxes or respect labor laws, José María Marín Quemada, acting president of the National Commission of the Markets and Competition of Spain, rejected the idea of “banning” new digital companies, such as Uber or Airbnb, considering that their rise “cannot and should not be stopped, “Because they bring important advantages for consumers.

Marín continued, pointing out that Spain has “opted to prohibit,”, while in Asia “they defend themselves from Uber and Airbnb, creating other Ubers and other local Airbnbs.” The solution, he says, would be to find a balance, since “prohibition has very little intellectual merit”in mature societies.

Marín believes that by banning theses companies, “in the best of cases, we would only delay the inevitable.”

Full Content: La Vanguardia

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