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Spain: Competition Authority dismantles 5 cartels of electric cables

 |  December 4, 2017

Spanish regulator CNMC has dismantled five cartels in the manufacture and distribution of electrical cables for low and medium voltages for the construction of hospitals, domestic use, housing, energy companies, telephony, rail, naval and large international projects.

11 companies and a business association have been identified as responsible in various cartels. The companies, based in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia) and Portugal, rigged the prices and other commercial conditions, and distributed projects and tenders to ensure their profits.

The first cartel was created by the seven leading low and medium voltage cable manufacturers between 2002 and 2015. In collaboration with the FACEL association, they systematically and continuously agreed on the tariffs and discounts for cable supply, the date of application of the fees, among other prohibited behaviors. Three different cartels formed between manufacturers and distributors of these products were also sanctioned for different manipulations at the prices and bids in which their members participated.

The CNMC has exempted Grupo General Cable Sistemas and its parent company Cable Holdings from payment of the fine imposed on them for a total of €12.6 million (approximately US$15 million), having reported the cartels to CNMC. The penalties for all companies amount to €44.7 million (US$53 million approx)

Full Content: CNMC

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