A PYMNTS Company

Spain: Official Lobby Registry fails to take off

 |  March 12, 2019
TELEFONICA, Cellnex and Red Eléctrica continue to be the only companies of the Ibex-35 that have joined the registry of interest groups launched by the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC), close to three years on.

The registry, launched towards the end of 2015, now has 451 registered members, which means it has only added 44 new members in the last year. The presence of companies such as Uber or Correos, which are the subject of studies by the CNMC, has been noted by critics.

The largest group of ‘lobbies’ registered so far are those for business associations starting with the CEOE, which joined shortly after its creation, the Madrid association CEIM or the employer of small and medium enterprises Cepyme.

Full Content: El Economista

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