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Spain: Regulator launches public survey on ‘online’ advertising

 |  April 30, 2019

Spain’s National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) has launched a study looking at competition in the online advertising sector, seeking to gather information on the operation of the sector through a public survey, according to the agency announced last Thursday, April 25.

The 2019 Action Plan includes the “commitment to develop studies in new sectors arising from digitalization…” and the effects of new technologies on traditional models of competition. Therefore, with advertising being a “very relevant” element for competition, the study will seek to learn about both its informational and persuasive aspects and the changes that digitalization entails in this sector.

Factors such as greater personalization, measurement and monitoring through the use of algorithms, among other elements, “can generate welfare gains for the greater satisfaction of needs, the creation of new demand, the provision of free services or the greater capacity of choice by the consumer “, said the CNMC, justifying the study that will include the conditions of competition and hiring of online advertising.

Full Content: La Vanguardia

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