On May 4, 2023, the Korea Competition Law Association presented a special seminar on Digital Platform Markets and Competition Policy. The seminar was composed of a series of presentations by leading national and international experts providing insight and experience into topics that are currently relevant.

The presentations were followed by a panel discussion where the participants followed up on points raised in the presentations and provided insight from the perspectives of regulators and companies on both a national and international scale.


Opening Keynote – Prof. Dae-Sik Hong, Chair of the Korean Competition Law Association
U.S. and international developments on regulating mobile ecosystems (e.g., EU DMA and U.S. OAMA) – Prof. Daniel Sokol (USC Law School)
Korea’s app store regulation: lessons from implementing and enforcing the law – Jiyeon Park (Bae, Kim & Lee LLC)
Recent developments on digital platform regulation – Prof. Jae-Han Sim (Yeungnam University School of Law)


  • Ji-won YOON (KFTC Senior Deputy Director, Anti-monopoly Bureau)
  • Seongmin JEON (Gachon University Business School)
  • Soojin NAM (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
  • Il KANG (Bae, Kim & Lee LLC)

We have provided a video, synthesis, and pictures from this seminar. See the expert opinions offered at this stimulating one-day conference.

Read the seminar synthesis.

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