US Lawmakers Introduces New Bill To Regulate AI Like ChatGPT

Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., is pulling out all the stops to get Congress to support regulating artificial intelligence (AI) technology, including by using an AI chatbot to write a resolution calling for those kinds of regulations.

On Jan. 26, Rep. Lieu introduced a nonbinding measure that would direct the House to look at AI regulation. The twist: according to the congressman, that measure was written entirely by the online AI chatbot ChatGPT.

The resulting resolution, Rep. Lieu said, is the first in the history of Congress to have been written by AI.

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The California congressman said he began the effort with a simple prompt that stated: “You are Congressman Ted Lieu. Write a comprehensive congressional resolution generally expressing support for Congress to focus on AI.”

The resolution acknowledges that AI is rapidly advancing and has the potential to “greatly improve the lives of Americans and people around the world.” But it’s also the responsibility of  Congress to ensure that AI is developed and deployed safely and ethically.

“Congress has a responsibility to ensure that the benefits of AI are widely distributed and that the risks are minimized,” the AI-written resolution states.

Before he released the AI-written resolution, Rep. Lieu authored an op-ed in the New York Times calling for similar actions from Congress to take action to regulate AI.