Regulating Artificial Intelligence Requires Balancing Rights, Innovation

By Bishop Garrison, Biden-Harris Transition Team

Across the technology industry, artificial intelligence (AI) has boomed over the last year. Lensa went viral creating artistic avatar artwork generated from real-life photos. The OpenAI chatbot ChatGPT garnered praise as a revolutionary leap in generative AI with the ability to provide answers to complex questions in natural language text. Such innovations have ignited an outpouring of investments even as the tech sector continues to experience major losses in stock value along with massive job cuts. And there is no indication the development of these AI-powered capabilities will slow down from their record pace. Governments and corporations are projected to invest hundreds of billions of dollars on associated technologies globally in the next year.

With this unprecedented growth, however, communities have grown more concerned about the potential risks that accompany AI. Reports indicate Chatbot GPT is already being leveraged by criminals to perpetrate fraud against unsuspecting victims. The Lensa app generated explicit images of individuals without their consent. Georgetown University School of Law’s Center for Privacy and Technology recently released a report highlighting long-held concerns of the use of face recognition in criminal investigations. Jurisdictions often lack the proper policies and procedures necessary to govern the use of face recognition evidence, and that has led to rights violations and wrongful arrests.

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