
Regulation Meets Technology in 2022 as FinTech, BigTech and Crypto Prep for New Rules


For the last five to ten years, technology has changed many aspects of our lives, from the way we do banking to how we move in a city or how we communicate. These innovations have a few features in common: they rely on new or recent technology (i.e. blockchain, online platforms), companies provide countrywide or worldwide access almost instantly (i.e. Uber, Stripe) and they are rapidly adopted by consumers.

The fast deployment of these innovations has created regulatory gaps as technology moves much faster than regulation. Most of these technological advances are only partially regulated, if at all, and regulators have started to raise concerns.

Surprisingly, most of the regulators worldwide seem to have chosen 2022 as the year when regulation should catch up with technology. In the list below, TechREG summarizes the main regulatory initiatives that Europe, the U.S., the U.K. and Australia are expected to adopt in FinTech, crypto, online platforms and the gig economy. These are four areas where TechREG predicts a big regulatory move in 2022, but they are not the only ones. Cross-sectional topics such as privacy, digital identity and artificial intelligence are also likely to receive significant attention by regulators in the next months.

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