This 5th edition case will deal with Insurtech.


See below the requirements to participate:

> Students: All teams and members must create an account and provide the required information. Teams must include between 3 and 5 members, with at least one Economics and one Law student. It is recommended that both genders are represented in the teams. Check MootComp page for more info.

> Coaches: Teams must have two coaches, approved by the Organizers. If you are an expert in this field and would like to become a Coach, go to the MootComp and apply.

> Participation Fee: Each Team must cover a participation fee of $50 USD. These will be used to cover administrative costs.

> Confidentiality: Participants will be responsible for keeping the information provided by the Organizer secret and confidential. They must not share or discuss this information with third parties other than Team members, Coaches, and Advisors.

All participants must accept and follow the guidelines established in the Rulebook, available at www.mootcomp.org

> Awards: Awards for winning teams include Postgraduate study scholarships, books, and subscriptions to specialized publications, as well as an iWatch smartwatch for two outstanding participants.

See Original Document (In Spanish)

Juries will be designated by the Organizer based on candidates’ experience and accomplishments in the field.

Advisors will be assigned to Coaches. Their function is to aid Coaches in fulfilling their duties. They will be selected by the Organizers, and must have previous experience as MootComp Coaches.


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